Wednesday, July 31, 2019

English Spelling Essay

1. Give an outline of the views on English spelling presented in text 1 and 2. Text 1 †Proper spelling? Its Tyme to Let Luce†, an article from the website of the American magazine WIRED, written by Anne Trubek, published January 31, 2012. Trubek claim that our language is forever evolving, and it’s only normal and a part of the evolution of languages. She believes that it would be great if we could loose our idea of correct spelling, and open our arms towards a more modern and different type of spelling. Trubek also explains how, when the typing machine and the first printed texts where created, words were written in many different ways. It didn’t matter how the word was spelled, but how it was read. She argues that there is no reason why it’s not possible to have that kind of open mind set nowadays. She also contradicts herself a bit, by saying it’s a good thing how our language is evolving and that it’s a part the technological evolution that the society us is undergoing, but at the same time she claims that the spelling is a huge mess, and still need to follow the basic spelling norms. Text 2 â€Å"Spelling: A rebuttal from wired’s copydesk† written by Lee Simmons, published January 31, 2012, on Wired magazines website, on the other disagree with Trubek. Simmons believe that the English language is totally rubbish, and there need to be some rules, for spelling formally. He doesn’t care how we spell when we are texting, and communicating with each other, but we really need to try to concentrate when writing formal and informing things. 2. Characterise the tone and style used in text 2. Illustrate your answers with examples from the text. Text 2 by Lee Simmons, argues against Trubek. Simmons uses the style of writing, ’quote and answer’. When Simmons, answer the quotes his tone is rather aggressively, †Instead, Trubek waves her hands and declares grandly that ‘with the new technologies, the way that we write and read†¦ is changing, and so must spelling.’ Really?† When Simmons uses the, quote and answer technique, it makes it easier to point out the weak spots in Trubeks article, and really dig deep in them. It’s not only pointing the week spots out, it’s also asking questions to the reader, which makes the reader think  about the mistakes Trubek. Simmons believes that he knows better that Trubeck, which is enforced by his job as a copy editor at the magazine Wired. Through the whole article, he argues against Trubek, and keep shooting down Trubeks arguments. But in the end of the text, you’re being left with a feeling of disappointment, the article lac ks a point. 3. Taking your stating point in text 3 discuss the relevance of spelling norms. The point in text 3, had never really occurred to me before. But it actually makes a lot of sense. Arguing that the fewer different unpredictable spellings there are, the easier the language. The fact that the Finish language has no different pronunciations of word, therefore it is easier to learn, which I believe is good for the country, because has a huge influence on for an example, financial workers, who set to learn the language. If it didn’t take so long for to learn the English language, it could mean that the English language could evolve into an even bigger and more powerful world language.

Influence of Nature and Nurture Developmental Research Essay

How many bald, six-foot-six, 250-pound volunteer firefighters in New Jersey wear droopy mustaches, aviator-style eyeglasses, and a the influence of nature versus key ring on the right side of the belt? nurture. The answer is two: Gerald Levey and Mark Newman. They are twins who were separated at birth. Each twin did not even know 25. 2 Describe developmental the other existed until they were reunited—in a fire station—by a research techniques. fellow firefighter. . . The lives of the twins, although separate, took remarkably similar 25.Discuss prenatal paths. Levey went to college, studying forestry; Newman planned to development. study forestry in college but instead took a job trimming trees. . . . Both men are unmarried and find the same kind of woman attractive: â€Å"tall, slender, long hair. † They share similar hobbies, enjoying hunting, fishing, going to the beach, and watching old John Wayne movies and professional wrestling. Both like Chinese food and d rink the same brand of beer. learning outcomes 25. 1 Compare and contrast The remarkable range of similarities we see in many pairs of identical twins raises one of the fundamental questions posed by developmental psychology, the study of the patterns of growth and change that occur throughout life. The question is this: How can we distinguish between the environmental causes of behavior (the influence of parents, siblings, family, friends, schooling, nutrition, and all the other experiences to which a child is exposed) and hereditary causes (those based on the genetic makeup of an individual that influence growth and development throughout life)? This question embodies the nature–nurture issue. In this context, nature refers to hereditary factors, and nurture to environmental influences. Although the question was first posed as a nature-versus-nurture issue, developmental psychologists today agree that both nature Gerald Levey and Mark Newman 282 Chapter 8 development and nurture interact to produce specific developmental patterns and outDevelopmental psychology The comes. Consequently, the question has evolved into How and to what degree branch of psychology that studies the do environment and heredity both produce their effects? No one grows up patterns of growth and change that free of environmental influences, nor does anyone develop without being occur throughout life. affected by his or her inherited genetic makeup. However, the debate over Nature–nurture issue The issue of the comparative influence of the two factors remains active, with different the degree to which environment and approaches and different theories of development emphasizing the environ- heredity influence behavior. ment or heredity to a greater or lesser degree (Pinker, 2002; Gottesman & Hanson, 2005; Rutter, 2006). For example, some developmental theories rely on basic psychological principles of learning and stress the role learning plays in producing changes in The nature–nurture issue behavior in a developing child. Such theories emphasize the role of the enviis a key question that is ronment in development. In contrast, other developmental theories emphasize pervasive throughout the the influence of one’s physiological makeup and functioning on development. field of psychology, asking Such theories stress the role of heredity and aturation—the unfolding of biohow and to what degree logically predetermined patterns of behavior—in producing developmental environment and heredity change. Maturation can be seen, for instance, in the development of sex characproduce their joint effects. teristics (such as breasts and body hair) that occurs at the start of adolescence. Despite their differences over theory, developmental psychologists concur on some points. They agree that genetic factors not only provide the potential for specific behaviors or traits to emerge, but also place limitations on the emergence of such behavior or traits. For instance, heredity defines people’s general level of intelligence, setting an upper limit that—regardless of the quality of the environment—people cannot exceed. Heredity also places limits on physical abilities; humans simply cannot run at a speed of 60 miles an hour, nor will they grow as tall as 10 feet, no matter what the quality of their environment (Dodge, 2004; Pinker, 2004). Figure 1 lists some of the characteristics most affected by heredity. As you consider these items, it is important to keep in mind that these characteristics are not entirely determined by heredity, for environmental factors also play a role. Developmental psychologists also agree that in most instances environmental factors play a critical role in enabling people to reach the potential capabilities that their genetic background makes possible. If Albert Einstein had received no intellectual stimulation as a child and had not been sent to s tudy aler t Height Weight Obesity Tone of voice Physical Characteristics Blood pressure Tooth decay Athletic ability Firmness of handshake Age of death Activity level Intellectual Characteristics

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Between White and Roberts Essay

Between the descriptive essay â€Å"Once More to the Lake† by E.B. White, and the narrative essay â€Å"How to Say Nothing in 500 Words† by P.M. Roberts I find the descriptive essay to be far more interesting to read for the way it is written appeals to the senses of the reader. Both essays, however, carry good merit and are written very well. The essay that is currently being presented is an interpretation of the similarities and differences between the styles of these two essays, and the impact they have on the reader as well. Among the major differences between the two essays is the way they are structured. In the essay â€Å"How to Say Nothing in 500 Words† Roberts uses nine different headings relating to the key elements of what he is writing about. He breaks down each component of what he considers to be good practices of writing with each section consisting of its own idea. He uses this method to present multiple ideas pertaining to the same general subjec t of the essay. Using headings to separate ideas and points is a good way to present information clearly, but it also gives a paper an impersonal and formal feeling that most casual or average readers do not relate to. In â€Å"Once More to the Lake†, however, White does not separate ideas into different headings. The story he tells in his essay progresses forward without being broken up into multiple ideas, and the general subject does not change throughout the essay in any major way. The entire essay reads like it is its own chapter of a book. It provides the reader with a fluent story from start to finish. Another large difference between these two essays is in the tone and language that the authors use. Roberts uses a mostly formal tone and language throughout most of his essay. There are a few places in which he uses mild humor to keep the readers’ interest, but his dry tone mixed with the subject his essay is centered on limits the effectiveness of his attempts. One such attempt at humor is where he speaks of a college  professor grading essays in the sentence, â€Å"As he reads paper after paper all saying the same thing in almost the same words, all bloodless, five hundred words dripping out of nothing, he wonders how he allowed himself to get trapped into teaching English when he might have had a happy and interesting life as an electrician or a confidence man.† (P.M. Roberts) He has a very dry sense of humor that leaves the reader wondering why he even makes the attempt at humor in many cases. White uses an informal tone in his essay, and uses language that appeals to the readers’ senses. He makes no attempts at humor in his essay like Roberts does, but he instead paints pictures of scenery with words in exuberant detail. The depth and detail with which he writes stirs the readers’ emotions and memories in the way he tells of his own memories. He takes the mind of the reader on a journey with him as he recounts memories of his childhood. The tone he uses is one that is somber and serious, but also quite casual. â€Å"Summertime, oh summertime, pattern of life indelible, the fade proof lake, the woods unshatterable, the pasture with the sweet fern and the juniper forever and ever, summer without end; this was the background, and the life along the shore was the design, the cottages with their innocent and tranquil design, their tiny docks with the flagpole and the American flag floating against the white clouds in the blue sky, the little paths over the roots of the trees leading from camp to camp and the paths leading back to the outhouses and the can of lime for sprinkling, and at the souvenir counters at the store the miniature birch-bark canoes and the post cards that showed things looking a little better than they looked.† (E.B. White) It is with the use of this kind of language that White fills the writing canvas, as well as the reader’s thoughts, with the detailed images of the surroundings of the lake. The subject matter between the essays by Roberts and White is yet another drastic difference. â€Å"How to Say Nothing in 500 Words† is an informative narrative essay about what to, and what not to do in the writing of a college essay. It is a strictly academic essay. It covers a number of points of what kind of language and ideas to use in a college level paper. The section of his essay that he names â€Å"Call a Fool a Fool† can easily be summarized as him trying to get across that one should say what they think of a matter regardless of what they think the instructor grading the paper or anyone else that might read it would think of what you have to say. He  basically states that if it is your opinion, then state it without worrying that it may offend anyone that may not share the same view. The subject matter of Roberts’ essay is a topic that only a college student would truly care to read about. The subject matter of the essay by White, however, is nearly as far in the other direction as you can get from Roberts’ essay about writing an essay about college football. White’s essay â€Å"Once More to the Lake† is about his visit with his son back to the same lake that his own father took him to every summer with his family while he was growing up. He describes in detail the changes that have occurred in the many years since he had been back to the lake, and the times he had with his family in his youth as well as the time he is spending there now with his own son. â€Å"Inside, all was just as it had always been, except there was more Coca Cola and not so much Moxie and root beer and birch beer and sarsaparilla. We would walk out with a bottle of pop apiece and sometimes the pop would backfire up our noses and hurt. We explored the streams, quietly, where the turtles slid off the sunny logs and dug their way into the soft bottom; and we lay on the town wharf and fed worms to the tame bass. Everywhere we went I had trouble making out which was I, the one walking at my side, the one walking in my pants.† (White E.B.) The way he describes and speaks of his surroundings and the small adventures that he and his son embark upon makes it evident that he truly cares about the story he has written, and that the entire compositio n is a nostalgic journey through his past and present. The feelings that he clearly has while writing his essay is something that nearly any reader can relate to. Now that the major contrasting points between the two essays have been presented we should move on to the similarities, but there are next to no similarities at all. The most prominent similarity between them is simply the fact that both compositions are considered essays. They are written in completely different styles on completely different subjects, and with a completely different reading audience in mind. It can be said, however, that both essays are properly written for their intended audience, and one could also argue that the essays are similar in regards to the fact that both essays give the reader something to think about after having read the compositions, but that would be reaching very far to find some form of similarity simply for the sake of being able to say that they are similar in some fashion. It is easy to say  that the two essays contrast in major ways, but it is not so easy to say that they compare in any significant way. The essays â€Å"How to Say Nothing in 500 Words† by P.M. Roberts, and â€Å"Once More to the Lake† by E.B. White are both well written, but the descriptive essay by White is the superior of the two for his use of easily understood descriptive language and the seamless flow of his ideas and thoughts on the paper making for an easy and enjoyable read. His essay is also written about a subject that nearly any reader can relate to in some way while the essay by Roberts is aimed more at a particular demographic. Roberts also uses a â€Å"matter of fact† kind of tone that if he had not introduced a dash of humor here and there throughout his essay would have made it too technical to keep the average reader interested enough to read the whole composition while the essay by White draws the reader in and leaves them wanting more. The essay â€Å"Once More to the Lake† by E.B. White is a timeless piece of literature that the writer of this essay strongly recommends to any reader. References Roberts, P. M. (n.d.). How to say nothing in 500 words. Retrieved from White, E.B. Once more to the lake. Retrieved from

Monday, July 29, 2019

Discuss the value of qualitative research to create new practice Essay

Discuss the value of qualitative research to create new practice knowledge - Essay Example Literature is suggestive that qualitative research’s contribution is growing and advancing knowledge. Knowledge claims emanating from qualitative research, logically, should be open to formal evaluation and critique. This means that it should be open to criticism, audit, and searching, which is the means of assessing the contribution it makes to the advancement of knowledge in terms of challenging, extending, or testing what is believed or known. Qualitative research, in its own right, is a distinct enquiry field with literature indicating that methodology in qualitative research is referent to ideas and principles used by researchers to base strategies and procedures (Denzin & Yvonna, 2011: p15). It acts as a form of social enquiry, focusing on the interpretation of experiences by various individuals. Traditionally, the debate has revolved around the merits of qualitative and quantitative research in knowledge development. Evidence is indicative of qualitative research being more interpretive and better in the study of phenomena and concepts. It aims at understanding the complex relationship between variables rather than cause and effect demonstrations. In addition, the diversity found in its responses has significant value. Qualitative research has been found to be more descriptive and humanistic with many dimensions that require the researcher to use a self-conscious approach (Denzin & Yvonna, 2011: p16). Therefore, on top of reinforcing new practice knowledge, it also helps uncover information that would have been more difficult using other approaches. Qualitative knowledge depends on social context information, especially the comprehension of human experiences. This is of special use when the researcher knows little about the field or topic of research. Contribution of qualitative knowledge in creating new practice knowledge is usually in terms of new theoretical ideas and knowledge (Denzin & Yvonna, 2011: p17). The underlying methods and philosophy , conversely, has left qualitative research open to criticism of being unsystematic, lacking in objectivity, being subjective, and being too general, as well as being a soft approach in comparison to scientific and empirical knowledge. It has even been claimed that evidence is not as powerful as that given by quantitative research. For those who subscribe to other methodologies, qualitative research’s strengths in creating new practice knowledge are viewed as weakness (Denzin & Yvonna, 2011: p17). Qualitative research, however, gives a unique perspective on a topic, as well as providing insight into subjects. The methodology generates knowledge and is subject centered, inductive, interactive, and holistic. It has its basis on people’s meanings, perceptions, and views while also useful in the exploration knowledge questions that are related to meanings, experiences, behavior, and feelings (Gilroy, 2011: p56). Qualitative research has, in a relatively short time, descend ed from many disciplines of diverse backgrounds. Its roots can be found in sociology, philosophy, anthropology, and history. Qualitative research has brought up new methods of acquiring research knowledge such as discourse and conversational analysis with each method coming from different backgrounds. In some fields like nursing, there is also a tendency in qualitative resea

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Structure and Business of Blackstone Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

The Structure and Business of Blackstone - Essay Example It's a veritable feast for the discerning investor's eyes: 37% compound annual revenue growth, 65% operating margins, $3 million in profit per employee, returns on invested capital in the triple digits. And a cherry on top: the Blackstone Group is arguably the uber-buyout firm. Led by billionaire cofounders Steven Schwarzman and Peter Peterson, Blackstone has gone from relative obscurity to global renown in the span of roughly two decades, parlaying a penchant for deal making and a yen for competition into a war chest that now brims with billions of dollars in investment capital. Blackstone Capital has extensive expertise in structuring transactions under Regulation D, SCOR, Rule 144A, Reg. A, Reg. S, and other public or private direct offerings, as well as commercial lending, mezzanine financing, commercial paper, and subordinated debt transactions. Their structures provide an exit strategy for investors with short or long-term holding periods. Basically what Blackstone does is delivers to its client’s necessary capital, for less cost, more efficiently, and strategically structured. It operates from a style, which avails itself of the richness of a variety of investment philosophies and techniques that will ultimately provide superior returns while exposing a particular partnership to lesser risk. It is here, that Blackstone prides itself in creating the innovative financial solutions for its clients. Their primary objective is to maximize value for their clients. Blackstone’s business is organized into four segments: 1) corporate private equity, which focuses on management of the Company’s private equity funds; 2) real estate, which is responsible for management of Blackstone’s various real estate investment funds; 3) â€Å"marketable alternative asset management,† which involves management of Blackstone’s various hedge funds, mezzanine funds, and other â€Å"alternative† in vestment vehicles; and 4) The financial advisory group, which comprises the Company’s advisory services business that provides, for example, merger and acquisition analysis and services to other companies. These various funds are generally structured as limited partnerships that are capitalised by limited-partner investors (such as institutional investors and pension funds) and managed by Blackstone, which, through subsidiary holding partnerships, serves as general partner. Blackstone therefore does not own directly either the various portfolio companies in which it’s corporate private equity funds invest or the real estate assets owned by its real estate funds. Rather, Blackstone derives revenue from two principal sources: It earns a â€Å"management fee† equal to 1.5% of the value of the assets under management; It earns a â€Å"performance fee† or â€Å"carried interest† equal to 20% of the profits generated on the capital it invests for limited partners. Blackstone is subject, however, to having its performance fees â€Å"clawed back.† That is, the Company is obligated to return performance fees to investors if investments perform poorly. In contrast to those who invest in Blackstone’s various funds, investors in Blackstone itself acquire a stake in Blackstone’s investment management business, hoping that strong performance by the various investment funds will generate performance fees for the Company. 4.2 Southern Cross Healthcare Southern Cross He

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Should companies be required to be more Green (environmentally Research Paper

Should companies be required to be more Green (environmentally friendly) even if it costs more - Research Paper Example In some countries such as China, the issue of environmental pollution is so serious that if not checked, it could reverse the economic gains achieved over the years. This clearly shows that environmental protection should become a priority especially for companies, which contribute significantly to environmental pollution. Accordingly, companies should be required to be environmental friendly even if it is a costly venture. One of the reasons why companies should be required to become environmental friendly is that growth which is achieved at the expense of the environment will only be short term. In degrading the environment and depleting natural resources, a company’s success can only be short term, since such resources are needed for future production. In this case, protecting the environment also protects a company’s long-term productivity. Companies should therefore ensure that their activities do not harm the environment in order to achieve sustainable development. Although environmental protection is quite costly, the cost of reversing the effects of environmental degradation may be higher for a company (EPA). Companies should also be required to become environmental friendly because it is also beneficial for them. As people’s awareness of environmental pollution rises, they look out for companies that show concern for the environment. Consequently, customers or clients will be more likely to purchase products or services from companies which are actively engaged in environmental protection. A company that is environmental friendly will therefore retain its existing customers, while acquiring new ones. In the end, this has a positive impact on a company’s productivity, which outweighs its costs in environmental protection (Scherzer). As seen from the text, environmental protection is a costly venture, thus companies maybe unwilling to become environmental friendly. In order to make this requirement a reality, policymakers

Friday, July 26, 2019

Self Marketing Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Self Marketing Plan - Assignment Example Part of my responsibility is making sure there is enough staff for the upcoming shift based on census and call out and to notify the supervisor in charge. Staffing is one of the job responsibilities of a nurse manager/nurse administrator. Other job responsibilities include financial management and budgeting which is an area I would need more experience in, recruiting, interviewing and training new employees. I have oriented several new RNs that have joined our unit and I very much enjoy teaching one on one or in small groups. Completing performance evaluations, determining what services the healthcare facility will provide, and ensuring that all employees’ licenses and certifications are up to date would also be my responsibility. I would do well with these responsibilities because I am organized, and have already thought of several changes I think would be beneficial to the patients and staff if they were to be implemented on our unit. Based on my knowledge, skills and t6he experience I have gained so far, I expect to be compensated a salary within the range of 80,000-120,000. I would engage in various activities to prepare myself for this role in order to ensure that I am always in good shape to offer my services. For instance, I would ensure I keep myself abreast with current hospital policies, medical knowledge, and current healthcare issues. I would also look for a role model or mentor that I could speak with and learn from especially in the beginning. I anticipate having to continuously educate myself on changing policies and healthcare issues as well as adapt to budget cuts and new staffing. I think there’s always opportunities for personal and career growth within each job description even if it’s just improving or excelling at daily job assignments and responsibilities. In general, I consider myself a friendly person so I think I would

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Depiction of women in the advertisements from 1950 to 2005 Essay

Depiction of women in the advertisements from 1950 to 2005 - Essay Example This "Depiction of women in the advertisements from 1950 to 2005" essay outlines how the advertisements and their depiction of women altered and reflected society throughout history, from 1950 to 2005. It was found out that in 1970, advertisements emphasised that a woman’s place was in the home, though there were 29 million women in the labour force at that time. Women were shown as independent only when inexpensive items or simple decisions were involved, sending the message that women do not make important decisions or do important things. It was observed that Women were generally isolated from their sex within the ads, thus signalling that women are dependent and constantly require men’s protection. In addition, Women were often found in decorative roles having little relationship to the product, thus saying that men regards women primarily as sexual objects and are not interested in them as people. In contrast, the portrayal of men (Lovdal, 1989) was as independent people who are intelligent and fully involved in a career. Men, shown in authoritative positions, were depicted 78% of the time in out-of-home settings. Belknap and Leanord II (1991) analysing women's magazines from 1940-70, discovered that the feminine ideal was one of child-bearer, child-rearer and homemaker, with the advertisements depicting women as possessing characteristics of passivity and dependency. For example, in the advertisement shown here, the quote runs, â€Å"you trust it’s Quality†, implying that the woman as a nurse or helper is someone you can trust.

Professional Portfolio and Self-Marketing Plan Term Paper

Professional Portfolio and Self-Marketing Plan - Term Paper Example Solid nursing experience that includes admissions, assessments, treatment, referral, and education for a broad range of patients. Widely recognized as an excellent care provider and patient advocate. Demonstrated ability to assist healthcare team members to provide quality patient care. Outstanding interpersonal and communication skills. Extreme accuracy in patient history, charting, and other documentations. Proficiencies: Patient care advocate Intravenous therapy Care plan administration Patient/family education Ante partum, Mother/Baby, and Pediatrics Status post surgical care Lactation counseling Career Experience Portsmouth Naval Medical Center, Portsmouth, VA (Contractor) December 2008 to December, 2010 Registered Nurse in the Mother/Baby unit of the facility delivering a complete range of RN services and expertise in assessments, admissions, referrals, extensive plans of care, administer medications, assist physicians, IVs, IV antibiotics, blood transfusions, wound care, lacta tion counseling, education of patients/family members, and accurate documentation of patient history, medication, and treatment. Carteret General Hospital, Morehead City, NC September 2006 to October, 2008 Staff Nurse in Ante partum, Mother/Baby, and Pediatrics. ... Have experience in fetal monitoring, doppler, and fetal tracking. Prepared equipment/supplies and assisted physicians during examinations and treatment. When designated, acted in Charge Nurse capacity. Raleigh Children & Adolescents Medicine, Raleigh, NC October, 2001to August 2006 Delivered a complete range of RN service and expertise in the clinic environment. Accurately obtained and documented patient history and medication, assisted physicians during examinations/treatment, handled referrals and admissions, and extensive interaction with patients and family members, staff, and physicians. Rex Wellness Center, Raleigh, NC September, 2000 to May, 2003 Part-time lifeguard and receptionist at the wellness center. Covered the front desk, greeted clients, and assisted with membership enrollment of the center. Triangle Pool Management Company, Raleigh, NC May, 1996 to September 1999 Pool manager and lifeguard (part-time). Wal-Mart Pharmacy, Raleigh, NC February 1996 to May 1998 Pharmacy tech (part-time). Educational Background Bachelor of Science in Nursing, BSN (2001) Barton College Wilson, North Carolina Currently Enrolled in Masters Program in Nursing Licensure Licensed Registered Nurse (RN), State of North Carolina (License Number 193770) Course/Certifications Nursing Tutorial and Consulting Nurses in the New Decade Legal Issues in Nursing Advance Charge Nurse Development Stress, Depression, and Pain Basic Life Support Certification (BLS) Pediatric Advance Life Support Certification (PALS) NRP Certification Certified Lactation Counselor Honors/Awards Member of Sigma Theta Tau National Honor Society of Nursing Numerous Customer Service Awards (Portsmouth Naval Medical Center) Admiral Commendation Letter Courses Completed NUR 553: Issues in Healthcare Informatics

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

International banking law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

International banking law - Essay Example The objective of the Basel Committee’s reform package is to improve the banking sector’s ability to absorb shocks arising from financial and economic stress, whatever the source, thus reducing the risk of spill over from the financial sector to the real economy (Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, 2009). This paper shall present a critical analysis of the proposals and finally make a determination of its efficacy, practicability and compliance amongst the banking sector around the world. The repeated and continuing onslaught of economic stressors starting from the past decade has left the banking industry more fragile. The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision has long recognized its role in providing guidance not only to banks but also to regulators to ensure that the banking system remains not only resilient in the face of economic slowdown or down turn but also to be more prudent in their fiscal management. The viability of the Basel Committee’s previous recommendations and proposal was regarded as the cure for the ailing global banking industry however, Basel III’s round of proposal are too complex (Allen, Chan, Milne, & Thomas, 2010) BASEL III Proposals Emerging from the three pillars of Basel II that would include (1) risk management; (2) regulatory governance; and (3) corporate governance that aims to ensure the risk sensitivity of capital allocation, quantification and separation of operational risk and credit risk, and lastly to align regulatory arbitrage. Basel III has the following proposal that aim to strengthen the international Banking industry further. 1. Capital Base Learning from its experiences in the past, the banking industry which have faced several global financial crisis have determined that the capital base of some banks are of insufficient quality. Normally these are the banks that are considered as the ground zero of the financial crisis. These banks are then forced to rebuild their capital base at a ti me when it is hard to do so. Governments are then forced to intervene that may save the situation temporarily however the domino effect of the whole financial industry will just make matters worse (Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, 2009). A key element and rationale of this proposal is that common equity is still regarded as the highest quality component of capital due to its peculiar nature of absorbing losses when they occur, full flexibility of dividend payments and lastly it has no maturity date. It makes sense to use it as an instrument to ensure a bank’s liquidity. The proposal also emphasize that the creative way of firming up capital with non-common equity to meet regulatory requirement should be limited. However, regulators should also take into consideration another form of high quality equity that can be converted into common equity these are equity coming from mutual funds and cooperatives. Responding to the growing concern on security the proposal also stre ssed the need for full disclosure of the nature of capitalization. Capitalization Tier 1 capitalization refers to the actual common equity of a bank. In the current practice equity can be in a form of bond, stocks, tradable financial paper and other similar instruments. The very nature of the tradable instruments is the variability of its value. BASEL III has

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Human biology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Human biology - Assignment Example The normal level of glucose in the blood is about 90 mg per 100 cm3 (Taylor, Green, & Stout, 1984). To have a very low level of glucose (hypoglycemia) or a very high level (hyperglycemia) are, both, serious problems disturbing the osmotic equilibrium of the body. Pancreas is the regulatory organ which helps control glucose levels. It has glucose receptor cells which measure the concentration of glucose in the blood stream together with endocrine cells called the islets of Langerhans which secrete glucagon or insulin depending on which is needed by the body at that particular time. When a person eats a meal, the glucose level in the blood stream tends to rise. This is detected by the pancreas. Consequently, the -Cells in the Islets of Langerhans release the hormone: insulin. The hormone enters the blood stream and its target organs are mainly liver and muscles. The respiration rate is increased (break down of glucose to release carbon dioxide and water). Moreover, it is converted into storage forms i.e. glycogen and fats. Hence, this causes the glucose level to fall. On the other hand, during fasting or starvation, the glucose level is decreased. Detected by the pancreas (-cells), the hypothalamus in brain and adrenal glands (adrenal medulla), hormones like glucagon, adrenaline, cortisol and thyroxin are produced that hasten the conversion of glycogen to glucose. Furthermore, proteins in the body are converted to glucose, which in turn increases the glucose levels in the blood (Saul, 2004). What if this control mechanism fails? The consequence would be in the form of diseases like Diabetes Mellitus. It has two forms. Either the insulin receptors do not function properly or the insulin is not produced at all. This leads to symptoms like high thirst since water moves from the cells into the blood stream, copious urine production,

Monday, July 22, 2019

Ethical neutrality Essay Example for Free

Ethical neutrality Essay In what follows, when we use the term â€Å"evaluation† we will mean, where nothing else is implied or expressly stated, practical value-judgments as to the unsatisfactory or satisfactory character of phenomena subject to our influence. The problem involved in the â€Å"freedom† of a given discipline from evaluations of this kind, i. e., the validity and the meaning of this logical principle, is by no means identical with the question which is to be discussed shortly, namely, whether in teaching one should or should not declare one’s acceptance of practical evaluations, regardless of whether they are based on ethical principles, cultural ideals or a philosophical outlook. This question cannot be settled scientifically. It is itself entirely a question of practical evaluation, and cannot therefore be definitively resolved. With reference to this issue, a wide variety of views are held, of which we shall only mention the two extremes. At one pole we find (a) the standpoint that there is validity in the distinction between purely logically deducible and purely empirical statements of fact on the one hand, and practical, ethical or philosophical evaluations on the other, but that, nevertheless – or, perhaps, even on that account- both classes of problems properly belong in the university. At the other pole we encounter (b) the proposition that even when the distinction cannot be made in a logically complete manner, it is nevertheless desirable that the assertion of practical evaluations should be avoided as much as possible in teaching. This second point of view seems to me to be untenable. Particularly untenable is the distinction which is rather often made in our field between evaluations linked with the positions of â€Å"political parties† and other sorts of evaluations. This distinction cannot be reasonably made: it obscures the practical implications of the evaluations which are suggested to the audience. Once the assertion of evaluations in university lectures is admitted, the contention that the university teacher should be entirely devoid of â€Å"passion† and that he should avoid all subjects which threaten to bring emotion into controversies is a narrow-minded, bureaucratic opinion which every teacher of independent spirit must reject. Of those scholars who believed that they should not renounce the assertion of practical evaluations in empirical discussions, the most passionate of them – such as Treitschke and, in his own way, Mommsen- were the most tolerable. As a result of their intensely emotional tone, their audiences were enabled to discount the influence of their evaluations in whatever distortion of the facts occurred. Thus, the audiences did for themselves what the lecturers could not do because of their temperaments. The effect on the minds of the students was to produce the same depth of moral feeling which, in my opinion, the proponents of the assertion of practical evaluations in teaching want to assure – but without the audience being confused as to the logical distinctiveness of the different types of propositions. This confusion must of necessity occur whenever both the exposition of empirical facts and the exhortation to espouse a particular evaluative standpoint on important issues are done with the same cool dispassionateness. The first point of view (a) is acceptable, and can indeed be acceptable from the standpoint of its own proponents, only when the teacher sees it as his unconditional duty – in every single case, even to the point where it involves the danger of making his lecture less stimulating – to make absolutely clear to his audience, and especially to himself, which of his statements are statements of logically deduced or empirically observed facts and which are statements of practical evaluation. Once one has granted the disjunction between the two spheres, it seems to me that doing this is an imperative requirement of intellectual honesty. It is the absolutely minimal requirement in this case. On the other hand, the question whether one should in general assert practical evaluations in teaching – even with this reservation – is one of practical university policy. On that account, in the last analysis, it must be decided only with reference to those tasks which the individual, according to his own set of values, assigns to the universities. Those who on the basis of their qualifications as university teachers assign to the universities, and thereby to themselves, the universal role of forming character, of inculcating political, ethical, aesthetic, cultural or other beliefs, will take a different position from those who believe it necessary to affirm the proposition and its implications – that university teaching achieves really valuable effects only through specialised training by specially qualified persons. Hence, â€Å"intellectual integrity† is the only specific virtue which universities should seek to inculcate. The first point of view can be defended from as many different ultimate evaluative standpoints as the second. The second – which I personally accept – can be derived from a most enthusiastic as well as from a thoroughly modest estimate of the significance of â€Å"specialised training†. In order to defend this view, one need not be of the opinion that everyone should become as much a pure â€Å"specialist† as possible. One may, on the contrary, espouse it because one does not wish to see the ultimate and deepest personal decisions which a person must make regarding his life, treated exactly as if they were the same as specialised training. One may take this position, however highly one assesses the significance of specialised training, not only for general intellectual training but indirectly also for the self-discipline and the ethical attitude of the young person. Another reason for taking this position is that one does not wish to see the student so influenced by the teacher’s suggestions that he is prevented from solving his problems in accordance with the dictates of his own conscience. Professor von Schmoller’s favourable disposition towards the teacher’s assertion of his own evaluations in the lecture room is thoroughly intelligible to me personally as the echo of a great epoch which he and his friends helped to create. Even he, however, cannot deny the fact that for the younger generation the objective situation has changed considerably in one important respect. Forty years ago there existed among the scholars working in our discipline, the widespread belief that of the various possible points of view in the domain of practical-political evaluations, ultimately only one was the ethically correct one. (Schmoller himself took this position only to a limited extent. ) Today this is no longer the case among the proponents of the assertion of professorial evaluations – as may readily be observed. The legitimacy of the assertion of professorial evaluation is no longer defended in the name of an ethical imperative resting on a relatively simple postulate of justice, which both in its ultimate foundations as well as in its consequences, partly was, and partly seemed to be, relatively unambiguous, and above all relatively impersonal, in consequence of its specifically trans-personal character. Rather, as the result of an inevitable development, it is now done in the name of a motley of â€Å"cultural evaluations†, i. e. , actually subjective cultural demands, or quite openly, in the name of the teachers’ alleged â€Å"rights of personality†. One may well wax indignant over this point of view, but one cannot- because it is a â€Å"practical evaluation† – refute it. Of all the types of prophecy, this â€Å"personally† tinted type of professorial prophecy is the most repugnant. There is no precedent for a situation in which a large number of officially appointed prophets do their preaching or make their professions of faith, not, as other prophets do, on the streets, or in churches or other public places- or if they do it privately, then in personally chosen sectarian conventicles – but rather regard themselves as best qualified to enunciate their evaluations on ultimate questions â€Å"in the name of science† and in the carefully protected quiet of governmentally privileged lecture halls in which they cannot be controlled, or checked by discussion, or subjected to contradiction. It is an axiom of long standing, which Schmoller on one occasion vigorously espoused, that what takes place in the lecture hall should be entirely confidential and not subject to public discussion. Although it is possible to contend that, even for purely academic purposes, this may occasionally have certain disadvantages, I take the view that a â€Å"lecture† should be different from a â€Å"speech†. The unconfined rigour, matter-of-factness and sobriety of the lecture declines, with definite pedagogical losses, once it becomes the object of publicity through, for example, the press. It is only in the sphere of his specialised qualifications that the university teacher is entitled to this privilege of freedom from outside surveillance or publicity. There is, however, no specialised qualification for personal prophecy, and for this reason it should not be granted the privilege of freedom from contradiction and public scrutiny. Furthermore, there should be no exploitation of the fact that the student, in order to make his way in life, must attend certain educational institutions and take courses with certain teachers with the result that in addition to what he needs, i.e. , the stimulation and cultivation of his capacity for understanding and reasoning, and a certain body of factual information – he also gets, slipped in among these, the teacher’s own attitude towards the world which even though sometimes interesting is often of no consequence, and which is in any case not open to contradiction and challenge. Like everyone else, the professor has other opportunities for the propagation of his ideals. When these opportunities are lacking, he can easily create them in an appropriate form, as experience has shown in the case of every honorable attempt. But the professor should not demand the right as a professor to carry the marshal’s baton of the statesman or the cultural reformer in his knapsack. This, however, is just what he does when he uses the unassailability of the academic lecture platform for the expression of political – or cultural-political- sentiments. In the press, in public meetings, in associations, in essays, in every avenue which is open to every other citizen, he can and should do what his God or daemon demands. The student should obtain, from his teacher in the lecture hall, the capacity to content himself with the sober execution of a given task; to recognize facts, even those which may be personally uncomfortable, and to distinguish them from his own evaluations. He should also learn to subordinate himself to his task and to repress the impulse to exhibit his personal sensations or other emotional states unnecessarily. This is vastly more important today than it was 40 years ago when the problem did not even exist in its present form. It is not true – as many have insisted – that the â€Å"personality† is and should be a â€Å"whole†, in the sense that it is distorted when it is not exhibited on every possible occasion. Every professional task has its own â€Å"responsibilities† and should be fulfilled accordingly. In the execution of his professional responsibility, a man should confine himself to it alone and should exclude whatever does not strictly belong to it – particularly his own loves and hates. The powerful personality does not manifest itself by trying to give everything a â€Å"personal touch† on every possible occasion. The generation which is now coming of age should, above all, again become used to the thought that â€Å"being a personality† is a condition which cannot be intentionally brought about by wanting it and that there is only one way by which it can – perhaps- be achieved: namely, the unreserved devotion to a â€Å"task†, whatever it – and its derivative â€Å"demands of the hour†- may be in any individual instance. It is in poor taste to mix personal concerns with the specialised analysis of facts. We deprive the word â€Å"vocation† of the only significant meaning it still possesses if we fail to adhere to that specific kind of self-restraint which it requires. But whether the fashionable â€Å"cult of the personality† seeks to dominate the throne, public office or the professorial chair – its effectiveness is only superficially impressive. Intrinsically, it is very petty and it always has injurious consequences. It should not be necessary for me to emphasise that the proponents of the views against which the present essay is directed can accomplish very little by this sort of cult of the â€Å"personality† for the very reason that it is â€Å"personal†. In part, they see the responsibilities of the university teacher in another light, in part they have other educational ideas which I respect but do not share. For this reason we must seriously consider no only what they are striving to achieve, but also how the views which they legitimate by their authority influence a generation with an already extremely pronounced predisposition to overestimate its own importance. Finally, it scarcely needs to be pointed out that many ostensible opponents of the academic assertion of political evaluations are by no means justified when they invoke the postulate of â€Å"ethical neutrality†, which they often gravely misunderstand, to discredit cultural and social-political discussions which take place in public and away from the university lecture hall. The indubitable existence of this spuriously â€Å"ethically neutral† tendentiousness, which in our discipline is manifested in the obstinate and deliberate partisanship of powerful interest groups, explains why a significant number of intellectually honorable scholars still continue to assert personal preferences in their teaching. They are too proud to identify themselves with this spurious abstention from evaluation. I believe that, in spite of this, what in my opinion is right should be done, and that the influence of the practical evaluations of a scholar, who confines himself to championing them on appropriate occasions outside the classroom, will increase when it becomes known that, inside the classroom, he has the strength of character to do exactly what he was appointed to do. But these statements are, in their turn, all matters of evaluation, and hence scientifically undemonstrable. In any case, the fundamental principle which justifies the practice of asserting practical evaluations in teaching can be consistently held only when its proponents demand that the proponents of the evaluations of all other parties be granted the opportunity to demonstrate the validity of their evaluations from the academic platform . But in Germany, insistence on the right of professors to state their preferences has been associated with the very opposite of the demand for the equal representation of all tendencies- including the most â€Å"extreme†. Schmoller thought that he was being entirely consistent when he declared that â€Å"Marxists and the Manchester school† were disqualified from holding academic positions, although he was never so unjust as to ignore their intellectual accomplishments. It is exactly on these points that I could never agree with our honoured master. One obviously ought not in one breath to justify the expression of evaluations in teaching – and when the conclusions are drawn therefrom, point out that the university is a state institution for the training of â€Å"loyal† civil servants. Such a procedure makes the university, not into a specialised technical school- which appears to be so degrading to many teachers- but rather into a theological seminary, although it does not have the religious dignity of the latter. Attempts have been made to set certain purely â€Å"logical† limits to the range of evaluations which should be allowed in university teaching. One of our foremost professors of law once explained, in discussing his opposition to the exclusion of socialists from university posts, that he too would be unwilling to accept an â€Å"anarchist† as a teacher of law since anarchists, in principle, deny the validity of law – and he regarded this argument as conclusive. My own opinion is exactly the opposite. An anarchist can surely be a good legal scholar. And if he is such, then indeed the Archimedean point of his convictions, which is outside the conventions and presuppositions which are so self-evident to us, could enable him to perceive problems in the fundamental postulates of legal theory which escape those who take them for granted. The most fundamental doubt is one source of knowledge. The jurist is no more responsible for â€Å"proving† the value of these cultural objects which are bound up with â€Å"law†, than the physician is responsible for demonstrating that the prolongation of life should be striven for under all conditions. Neither of them can do this with the means at their disposal. If, however, one wishes to turn the university into a forum for discussion of practical evaluations, then it obviously is obligatory to permit the most unrestricted freedom of discussion of fundamental questions from all standpoints. Is this feasible? Today the most decisive and important political evaluations are denied expression in German universities by the very nature of the present political situation. For all those to whom the interests of the national society transcend any of its individual concrete institutions, it is a question of central importance whether the conception which prevails today regarding the position of the monarch in Germany is reconcilable with the world interests of the country, and with the means- war and diplomacy- through which these are pursued. It is not always the worst patriots nor even anti-monarchists who give a negative answer to this question, and who doubt the possibility of lasting success in both these spheres unless some profound changes are made. Everyone knows, however, that these vital questions of our national life cannot be discussed with full freedom in German universities . In view of the fact that certain evaluations which are of decisive political significance are permanently prohibited in university discussion, it seems to me to be only in accord with the dignity of a representative of science and scholarship to be silent about such evaluations as he is allowed to expound. In no case, however, should the unresolvable question – unresolvable because it is ultimately a question of evaluations – as to whether one may, must, or should champion certain practical evaluations in teaching, be confused with the purely logical discussion of the relationship of evaluations to empirical disciplines such as sociology and economics. Any confusion on this point will hamper the thoroughness of the discussion of the logical problem. However, even the solution of the logical problem will provide no aid in seeking to answer the other question, beyond the two purely logically required conditions of clarity and an explicit distinction by the teacher of the different classes of problems. Nor need I discuss further whether the distinction between empirical propositions or statements of fact and practical evaluations is â€Å"difficult† to make. It is. All of us, those of us who take this position as well as others, come up against it time and again. But the exponents of the so-called â€Å"ethical economics†, particularly, should be aware, even though the moral law is unfulfillable, it is nonetheless â€Å"imposed† as a duty. Self-scrutiny would perhaps show that the fulfillment of this postulate is especially difficult, just because we reluctantly refuse to approach the very alluring subject of evaluation with a titillating â€Å"personal touch†. Every teacher has observed that the faces of his students light up and they become more interested when he begins to make a profession of faith, and that the attendance at his lectures is greatly increased by the expectation that he will do so. Everyone knows furthermore that, in the competition for students, universities when making recommendations for promotion will often give a prophet, however minor, who can fill the lecture halls, the upper hand over a much weightier and more sober scholar who does not offer his own evaluations. Of course, it is  understood that the prohet will leave untouched the politically dominant or conventional evaluations which are generally accepted at the time. Only the spuriously â€Å"ethical-neutral† prophet who speaks for powerful groups has, of course, better opportunities for promotion as a result of the influence which these groups have on the prevailing political powers. I regard all this as very unsatisfactory, and I will therefore not go into the proposition that the demand for abstention from evaluation is â€Å"petty† and that it makes lectures â€Å"boring†. I will not go into the question as to whether lecturers on specialised empirical problems must seek above all to be â€Å"interesting†. For my own part, in any case, I fear that a lecturer who makes his lectures stimulating by the intrusion of personal evaluations will, in the long run, weaken the students’ taste for sober empirical analysis. I will acknowledge without further discussion that it is possible, under the guise of eliminating all practical evaluations, to insinuate such evaluations with especial force by simple â€Å"letting the facts speak for themselves†. The better kind of parliamentary and electoral speeches in Germany operate in this way – and quite legitimately, given their purposes. No words should be wasted in declaring that all such procedures in university lectures, particularly if one is concerned with the observance of this separation, are , of all abuses, the most abhorrent. The fact, however, that a dishonestly created illusion of the fulfillment of an ethical imperative can be passed off as the reality, constitutes no criticism of the imperative itself. At any rate, even if the teacher does not believe that he should deny himself the right of rendering evaluations, he should make it absolutely explicit to the students and to himself that he is doing so. Finally, we must oppose to the utmost the widespread view that scientific â€Å"objectivity† is achieved by weighing the various evaluations against one another and making a â€Å"statesman-like† compromise among them. The â€Å"middle way† is not only just as undemonstrable scientifically – with the means of the empirical sciences – as the â€Å"most extreme† evaluations: in the sphere of evaluations, it is the least unequivocal. It does not belong in the university – but rather in political programmes, government offices, and in parliament. IThe sciences, both normative and empirical, are capable of rendering an inestimable service to persons engaged in political activity by telling them that (1) these and these â€Å"ultimate† evaluative positions are conceivable with reference to this practical problem; and (2) that such and such are the facts which you must take into account in making your choice between these evaluative positions. And with this we come to the real problem.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

National Transportation Safety Board Aircraft Accident Brief

National Transportation Safety Board Aircraft Accident Brief Accident Summary The Hendricks Motorsport plane crash occurred on 24 October 2001.   The airplane crashed in the mountainous regions in Stuart Virginia killing the crew and passengers aboard. The plane crash occurred after a missed landing on the runway 30 of the Martinsville Blue Ridge Airport (NTSB, 2006).   The plane contained two crewmembers and eight passengers who were part of the Hendricks Motorsport Racing team.   All the people on the aircraft died in the accident.   The plane crashed and exploded into flames after impact.   The team was traveling from Concord airport in North Carolina for a racing event. Information from the FAA records of communications and operations of the flight shows that the plane followed all the right procedures including altitude and headings.   However, the problem arose while approaching the Martinsville airport runway (NTSB, 2006).   The plane scheduled a landing on runway thirty but failed to do so under the advisement of the controller tower.   The controller informed the crew that they were second in line for the runway and initiated a holding pattern that extended to 28 minutes.   The flight crew received the message and started 5-mile legs to wait. The team undertook a five-mile holding pattern by making a right turn and ascent to 4000 ft.   The team went on with the holding pattern until the controller cleared them for landing and instructed them to announce their approach to the runway (NTSB, 2006).   The crew followed instructions, informed the controller of the inbound approach, and began their descent to the runway.   The controller confirmed the approached through the radio frequency and the crew proceeded with the approach by descending from 3900ft to 1400ft.   The plane maintained this attitude for approximately over one minute.   It was then that the team announced a missed approach was prompting the controller to ask for confirmation.   The crewmembers ceased all communications after confirming the missed approach.   The Controller further advised the flight crew to ascend to 4400ft but received no response and lost the radar. The Bull Mountains of Stuart Virginia were the scene of the crash about 2400ft away from the landing site.   Eyewitness reports indicated that the aircraft was operating efficiently before the accident.   The engine produced a smooth continuous sound that may have meant idling (NTSB, 2006).   Further reports showed that the plane was flying extremely low at a slow velocity.   There did not seem to be any challenges to the aircrafts performance at the time. However, it is important to note that there was fog in the atmosphere at the date of the crash.   The fog was a factor limiting visibility as it covered the Bull Mountains.   Reports indicate the visibility was up to a quarter mile. A review of the pilots credentials presented him as qualified. He had an estimated 10,733 hours of flight with almost 2000 in the Beech aircraft.   He was 51 years of age and had a significant amount of experience as a pilot.   He had also undergone rigorous training and passed his previous reviews.   The first officer had less experience totaling to 2090 hours of flight (NTSB, 2006).   However, she was qualified evidenced by her qualifications and past performance.   The multiengine plane had passed inspection a few months later with an accumulated flight time of 8079 hours.   The plane had a GPS system with an old database.   It also lacked ground proximity detectors that would have warned the pilot when flying at low altitudes.   The plane was scheduled for a systems upgrade later in the year.   The weather report during the accident indicated cloudy atmosphere with high humidity and patchy fog.   A pilot for the plane ahead of the Hendrickss Motorsports plane claimed that the climate under the clouds had relatively high visibility up to 2 miles.   However, the weather kept on shifting during the flight. Reference NTSB, (2006). Accident Investigations NTSB National Transportation Safety Board. Retrieved 15 February 2017, from

Development of Winston Smith in 1984

Development of Winston Smith in 1984 The ideological development of Winston Smith in 1984 One of the two most famous books of George Orwell, 1984, depicts a pessimistic vision of the future world consisting of three totalitarian states; Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasia, constantly at war with each other and keeping masses under careful observation and entire control. Therefore, the average people in 1984 cannot develop in any ways, except physically, because all their thoughts and ideas are under control of the Party. Emotions are unwanted, except for the devoted love of Big Brother, and the profound hate of Emmanuel Goldstein, and the enemies of the Party. Party members are being watched through telescreens all day, so when the first symptoms of unorthodoxy are noticed, they can be â€Å"cured† immediately. In addition, telescreens are constantly providing people with the appropriate ideas. Even the future language of Oceania, Newspeak, prevents people from â€Å"unorthodox† thoughts. All he unnecessary words, such as the ones bearing only slight differences, are being removed from the dictionary. The rest of the words are being deprived of their secondary and â€Å"improper† meanings. Accordingly, in the near future, party members are not going to be able to think of inadequate ideas. Winston Smith seems to be the only man in London who has human thoughts. There might be other people like him around, but due to the current system, people are prevented from showing their â€Å"unorthodox† thoughts and feelings. Winston Smith is an ordinary party member, except for the fact that he is a thinking creature. He has had thoughts long before he starts to write his diary, and his thoughts have not been appropriate in the eye of the Party. His Therefore, he has been a thoughtcriminal for years, but he was able to hide it, by understanding what the Party expects from an ideal member, and miming it. The unpremeditated act of constantly thinking is his first step to revolution. The next level of revolt is to start writing his diary. Though the act of writing seems to be pointless, even dangerous; it is satisfactory. Winston Smith starts to write his diary in an unusual way, he does not think about what he is writing, he just lets his thoughts embody on the paper. This method is called automatic writing; †modern psychodynamic theories of personality propose that traits, attitudes, motives, impulses, and memories that are incompatible with the persons conscious awareness may be dissociated from awareness and rarely expressed overtly in the course of normal waking behaviour.† (Encyclopaedia Britannica) Using this method, the person is unaware of what will be written: â€Å"Suddenly he began writing in sheer panic, only imperfectly aware of what he was setting down. His small but childish handwriting straggled up and down the page, shedding first its capital letters and finally even its full stops.†(Nineteen Eighty-Four, p.11) â€Å"He did n ot know what had made him pour out this stream of rubbish.† (Nineteen Eighty-Four, p.11) After beginning his diary, he soon starts to think about how the regime works. He is in a good position to be able to see into the governance, because Winston works in Minitrue, Ministry of Truth, where he rectifies some earlier articles. He remembers an incident when he found an unquestionable evidence of the assumption that the Party changes past events to prove his statements. Winston comes to the conclusion that only the proles are free in his society, and they are the ones who could defeat the authority of the Party. He writes: â€Å"If there is hope it lies in the proles.† (Nineteen Eighty-Four, p.60) The only problem with the proles is that they do not care about politics, and they do not know what kind of power is in their hands. They are the great majority (85%) of the society, but they live politically unconsciously. â€Å"Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious.† (Nineteen Eighty-Four, p.61) Smith realizes what the Party does. He knows how they falsify the past and how they manipulate party members and the proles, but he does not know why they do this. â€Å"The immediate advantages of falsifying the past were obvious, but the ultimate motive was mysterious. He took up his pen again and wrote: I understand HOW: I do not understand WHY.† (Nineteen Eighty-Four, p.68) He also realizes that the real freedom is the freedom of thoughts, and he thinks that it cannot be taken away from people: â€Å"Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.† (Nineteen Eighty-Four, p.69) Accordingly, at the end of Part I, Winston is a real rebel, he finds out many things about the Party, yet he does not do anything against it. He starts to revolt in his private life, when he starts an affair with Julia. The Party considers sex only the way to produce citizens in the country. The Party wants to abolish sexual contact, therefore they encourage young people to undertake artificial insemination. As Daphne Patai points out, the Party â€Å"prohibits sex except for the purpose of procreation, on the assumption that sexual tension could be redirected as passionate hatred of an enemy and passionate love of an abstract leader.† (Patai, 1984) Julia pretends to be an innocent, perfect party member, but she often has sex secretly with other Party members. This is her way of rebelling against the current system. â€Å" Have you done this before? Of course. Hundreds of times well scores of times anyway. With Party members. Yes, always with Party members. † (Nineteen Eighty-Four, p.104) Winston and Julia start to have a secret life together. Winston rents a room from a prole man and they meet there regularly. They make love, consume things from the black market and talk a lot. Winston talks to Julia about politics. Although Julia is not truly interested in it, she listens to him and agrees, because she loves him. â€Å"Im not interested in the next generation, dear. Im interested in us. Youre only a rebel from the waist downwards, he told her. She thought this brilliantly witty and flung her arms round him in delight. â€Å" (Nineteen Eighty-Four, p.129) Winston is waiting for a sign of the Brotherhood; the underground organization, headed by Emmanuel Goldstein, that is secretly trying to overthrow the Party. He wants to do something effectively against the Party. People do not know anything about Brotherhood, but there has always been a rumor of something like the Brotherhood. Winston really believes in the Brotherhood, and he has always wanted to be a part of it. â€Å"It had happened at last. The expected message had come. All his life, it seemed to him, he had been waiting for this to happen.† (Nineteen Eighty-Four, p.131) OBrien, the one who Winston has always believed to be a rebellious person, invites him to his home. What Winston expects is some kind of initiation to the Brotherhood. He wants to belong to an organization that really does something against the Party. He has always believed what the arrested insurgents confessed, and he wants to do similar things to those. OBrien took Winston and Julia in the Brotherhood. Smith receives the book that Goldstein wrote and he starts to read it. He is satisfied because he thinks that his questions will be answered, but at the end he becomes disappointed by the book, because it does not give any answers yet. â€Å" He had still, he reflected, not learned the ultimate secret. He understood how; he did not understand why. Chapter 1, like Chapter 3, had not actually told him anything that he did not know; it had merely systematized the knowledge that he possessed already.† (Nineteen Eighty-Four, p179) After reading two chapters of the book, the worst thing happens to Winston and Julia. They have been betrayed and than arrested. It turns out that the prole man that let the room for them and even OBrien are the agents of the thoughtpolice. Therefore Winston is not only disappointed by the book, but also by the man that he really respected. Winston is taken to Miniluv where OBrien takes him in hand. OBrien teaches Winston in a Platonic method. He asks questions as far as Winston gives the right answer. OBrien , at last, gives the answers to Winstons questions. â€Å" Now I will tell you the answer to my question. It is this. The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power. What pure power means you will understand presently. We are different from all the oligarchies of the past, in that we know what we are doing. All the others, even those who resembled ourselves, were cowards and hypocrites.† (Nineteen Eighty-Four, p.217) At the end, when he understood all that he wanted, he was taken to Room 101, and he had been changed. At the top of his ideological development, Winston became intellectually murdered. He knew what he wanted to know, but he did not believe himself. The only thing he trusted was the Party, and Big Brother. All in all, Winston goes through a hard and long process of ideological progress. According to Adibur Rahman, â€Å"Winston Smith wants to come â€Å"up for Air† in order to communicate with his genuine voice of self which is of course, not pessimistic. He no longer identifies himself with the existing callousness of the society.† (Adibur, 2002) First, he did not consciously think of rebelling, his subconscious thoughts and his dreams were his way of thinking. Then the next level was to disgorge his feelings and thoughts through his diary. After that he started to retrace his thoughts consciously, then he was not pleased with thinking, he wanted to act. At the beginning, he only rioted in his private life, after that he wanted to transfer it to public life, although he did not clearly understand his ideology. This was the point when he got arrested, and his questions were answered by OBrien, who was his traitor, his mentor, his enemy and his friend. He had intellectuall y been murdered, when he had reached the zenith of his ideological advance. Works consulted: Retrieved on 08. 01. 2010 Patai, Daphne. The Orwell Mystique A Study in Male Ideology. Amherst, 1984 Rahman ,Adibur. George Orwell: a humanistic approach.New Delhi, 2002

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Nuclear Energy :: essays research papers

Nuclear Energy Radioactive wastes, must for the protection of mankind be stored or disposed in such a manner that isolation from the biosphere is assured until they have decayed to innocuous levels. If this is not done, the world could face severe physical problems to living species living on this planet. Some atoms can disintegrate spontaneously. As they do, they emit ionizing radiation. Atoms having this property are called radioactive. By far the greatest number of uses for radioactivity in Canada relate not to the fission, but to the decay of radioactive materials - radioisotopes. These are unstable atoms that emit energy for a period of time that varies with the isotope. During this active period, while the atoms are 'decaying' to a stable state their energies can be used according to the kind of energy they emit. Since the mid 1900's radioactive wastes have been stored in different manners, but since several years new ways of disposing and storing these wastes have been develop ed so they may no longer be harmful. A very advantageous way of storing radioactive wastes is by a process called 'vitrification'. Vitrification is a semi-continuous process that enables the following operations to be carried out with the same equipment: evaporation of the waste solution mixed with the borosilicate: any of several salts derived from both boric acid and silicic acid and found in certain minerals such as tourmaline. additives necesary for the production of borosilicate glass, calcination and elaboration of the glass. These operations are carried out in a metallic pot that is heated in an induction furnace. The vitrification of one load of wastes comprises of the following stages. The first step is 'Feeding'. In this step the vitrification receives a constant flow of mixture of wastes and of additives until it is 80% full of calcine. The feeding rate and heating power are adjusted so that an aqueous phase of several litres is permanently maintained at the surface of th e pot. The second step is the 'Calcination and glass evaporation'. In this step when the pot is practically full of calcine, the temperature is progressively increased up to 1100 to 1500 C and then is maintained for several hours so to allow the glass to elaborate. The third step is 'Glass casting'. The glass is cast in a special container. The heating of the output of the vitrification pot causes the glass plug to melt, thus allowing the glass to flow into containers which are then transferred into the storage.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Gods Gift To Calculators: The Taylor Series :: essays research papers

Gods Gift to Calculators: The Taylor Series It is incredible how far calculators have come since my parents were in college, which was when the square root key came out. Calculators since then have evolved into machines that can take natural logarithms, sines, cosines, arcsines, and so on. The funny thing is that calculators have not gotten any "smarter" since then. In fact, calculators are still basically limited to the four basic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division! So what is it that allows calculators to evaluate logs, trigonometric functions, and exponents? This ability is due in large part to the Taylor series, which has allowed mathematicians (and calculators) to approximate functions,such as those given above, with polynomials. These polynomials, called Taylor Polynomials, are easy for a calculator manipulate because the calculator uses only the four basic arithmetic operators. So how do mathematicians take a function and turn it into a polynomial function? Lets find out. First, lets assume that we have a function in the form y= f(x) that looks like the graph below. We'll start out trying to approximate function values near x=0. To do this we start out using the lowest order polynomial, f0(x)=a0, that passes through the y-intercept of the graph (0,f(0)). So f(0)=ao. Next, we see that the graph of f1(x)= a0 + a1x will also pass through x= 0, and will have the same slope as f(x) if we let a0=f1(0). Now, if we want to get a better polynomial approximation for this function, which we do of course, we must make a few generalizations. First, we let the polynomial fn(x)= a0 + a1x + a2x2 + ... + anxn approximate f(x) near x=0, and let this functions first n derivatives match the the derivatives of f(x) at x=0. So if we want to make the derivatives of fn(x) equal to f(x) at x=0, we have to chose the coefficients a0 through an properly. How do we do this? We'll write down the polynomial and its derivatives as follows. fn(x)= a0 + a1x + a2x2 + a3x3 + ... + anxn f1n(x)= a1 + 2a2x + 3a3x2 +... + nanxn-1 f2n(x)= 2a2 + 6a3x +... +n(n-1)anxn-2 . . f(n)n(x)= (n!)an Next we will substitute 0 in for x above so that a0=f(0) a2=f2(0)/2! an=f(n)(0)/n! Now we have an equation whose first n derivatives match those of f(x) at x=0. fn(x)= f(0) + f1(0)x + f2(0)x2/2! + ... + f(n)(0)xn/ n! This equation is called the nth degree Taylor polynomial at x=0. Furthermore, we can generalize this equation for x=a instead of just

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Awakening Essay -- essays research papers

The Awakening Analytical Essay THE AWAKENING Throughout Kate Chopin’s, The Awakening, numerous scenes of birth and renewal are depicted. Various symbols placed throughout the book show Edna Pontellier’s awakenings. For instance, many references are made to oceans and water. It is in the water that Edna has her first rebirth, but it is also the place where she chooses to die. Water symbolizes life, which is the reason that Edna’s renewal takes place there, but it also symbolizes darkness and death. Birds, which are featured frequently in the story, symbolize Edna, and in many cases they foreshadow what’s to become of her, or they show her renewal of life. The imagery of birds throughout the book is used to symbolize freedom, which is exactly what Edna was trying to achieve from her husband, children, and all the other people that antagonized her. Edna has struggled all summer to learn to swim. She has been coached by the men, women, and children on Grand Isle. Swimming p rovides Edna with strength and joy, and yet makes her feel just like a child. â€Å"But that night she was like the little tottering, stumbling, clutching child, who of a sudden realizes its powers, and walks for the first time alone, boldly and with overconfidence. She could have shouted for joy. She did shout for joy, as with a sweeping stroke or two she lifted her body to the surface of the water† (47). This passage marks Edna’s rebirth, or renewal. Here she is described just like a child learning to walk,...

Arguments for and Against Corporate Social Responsibility Essay

â€Å"A business’s obligation to follow goals that are good for both organization and society in the long-term, and are not required by law.† Corporate Social Responsibility The term â€Å"corporate social responsibility† came in to common use in the early 1970s. It means the duty of an organization towards society in order to prove itself responsible about its actions and their effects on environment, community and external stakeholders. It means that an organization is responsible for all its action towards the people who are affected by its actions and processes. Therefore, corporate social responsibility can be defined as: â€Å"Operating a business in a manner that meets or exceeds the ethical, legal, commercial and public expectations that society has of business.† The Socioeconomic View The Socioeconomic view stated that it is the responsibility of managers and all organization s to take care of public interests as well as their profits. Each organization should be responsible for all its actions which may harm or benefit community and should take actions to stop any malpractices in its operations, finance, marketing and human resource departments. Business organizations should not only act for their own profit but also for the welfare of community. They should take an active part in happenings in the society and should perform such actions which can improve the political, economical, social and environmental conditions of the society. In short, corporate social responsibility makes an organization to play its role in the improvement and welfare of society. Arguments For and Against Corporate Social Responsibility According to Classical view of social responsibility of an organization, the management and managers of an organization are responsible for maximizing organizational profits only. It is not their duty to take care of public interest. The only purpose of establishing a business is to generate profits and therefore, he only duty of managers is to maximize profits and reduce costs of doing business. Given are some of the arguments for and against corporate social responsibility: 1-Corporations as Moral Agents Business organizations are an important part of any society and play an important role in determining the economic and social condition of any society. As organizations are considered as one of the major factors affecting economy of a country, they should be responsible of what they are giving to the society. They generate profits by selling their products and services to customers and, therefore, should be responsible for any good or bad effects of their actions and products on consumers. On the other hand, the proponents of this view state that organizations should be responsible only for generating profits. As the owners or investors are also a part of community, the organization performs its duty by maximizing the wealth of their shareholders. The sole purpose of an organization is not to serve society by getting involved in welfare activities. The organization serves the community by making products and rendering services. Therefore, there is no other duty of an organization towards society. 2-Social Responsibility and Economic Performance The advocates of corporate social responsibility state that by getting involved in community services, an organization gets a chance to improve its revenues. The social welfare activities improve the good will of the organization and make its corporate image better than its competitors. Customers prefer to buy products and services from an organization which proves it to be socially responsible. Those who say that organization should not be socially responsible state that such activities increase the cost of doing business. As one of the major goals of a business is to reduce the costs, such practices are in opposition with benefit of business owners. For example, investing in a production plant which emits less carbon to the environment needs higher expenses as compared to the normal, cheap plant but is dangerous for environment is a question for managers. 3-Social Responsibility and Ethics Organizations should not be involved in any kind of practices which may give rise to the feeling of inequity and unfair actions in society. Discrimination based on gender, race and nationality is one major action which is considered as the social responsibility of organizations. When giving promotions to employees, every person should be given an equal chance to advance in the career and should be treated fairly. The proponents of corporate social responsibility also admit the fact that the organizational practices should be ethical in nature but to a limited extent. The practices should not harm anyone but should place organizational interest before the community interest. 4-Social Responsibility and Environment A corporation must produce goods and services that are beneficial to society while making sure that the processes of production also avoid damage, such as pollution. The initiatives such as green management and environment friendly products make it clear that customers want to purchase the products which are safe for them and do not damage environment. They also prefer those organizations which prove that they are not damaging the natural environment of earth in any case. On the other hand, the proponents of the view state that saving environment may increase the cost of their business and will make the organization less efficient in a number of its practices. They put the question of buying one kind of machinery over the other which is environment friendly but incurs huge costs. Conclusion  In order to get better financial performance and good will, it’s better for an organization to realize its corporate social responsibility and manage all its operations in an ethical way. Only an improved society can lead to an improved business which is in favor of both internal and external stakeholders of an organization. More and more organizations are taking serious steps to get involved in socially responsible actions and consider it profitable in the long as well as short run.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Ethical and Legal Dilemmas of Surrogacy

M almost(prenominal) individuals beat a life plan consisting of college, marriage, and thusly clawren. afterwards numerous methods of conception, m twain(prenominal) catchs argon shut up un sufficient to retrieve a sister. A muliebrity who enters into a contract with a checkmate, agreeing to carry and birth a peasant, so hand that s spiritr all over to the assure pair, who is often unable to conceive hold their bear naturally is considered surrogacy (Pozgar, 2012). Surrogacy dress ups many respectable and heavy issues for all severies involved. Is it honourable or immoral to enter into an agreement with a woman to birth a nipper for money?What atomic flake 18 the ratified rights of the woman conceiving or of the bitstock? Should the s directr be aw be of the process in which he or she was born? Does the pincer chip in rights to access the confidential records of the process? These atomic number 18 a just a few questions that bear be addressed passim this paper. Discussed below is the history of surrogacy, the honorable and lawful dilemmas that surround surrogacy, alternative solutions to surrogacy, and the potential cause and future implications of how surrogacy may be addressed. in that location be devil types of surrogacy arrangements to consider. These types of surrogacy be communicable and gestational.Genetic or traditional surrogacy is where the deputy m different contri savees her genetic makeup to the offspring, whereas gestational surrogacy consists of the genetic makeup of the mean pargonnts (Greene, 2013). Of the two, gestational surrogacy accounts for 95% of the adoptive pregnancies in the affaired States of America (Covington & Patrizio, 2013, p. 277). One of the first accounts of surrogacy dates plunk for to the story of Abraham and Sarah in the Bible. Sarah, who was easily beyond fry-bearing old age and having be barren of child-bearing historic period sought to demand a child.Abraham h ad recounting with Hagar, a handmaid and gave birth to Ishmael, which she then gave to Abraham and Sarah to raise (King James Bible, Genesis 2512). piece surrogacy handled through with(predicate) and throughout history, it became much prevalent in the last half century or so. Altruistic surrogacy is when a friend or family member is the adoptive without being stipendiary however, the most mutual is commercial message recruitment of women who argon paid to be a replenishment (Covington & Patrizio, 2013, p. 277). Noel Keane was a broker who do the first commercial surrogacy agreement in the case of nestling M (Cassidy, 2012).The details of this first effectual case began breeding estimable dilemmas with surrogacy. The industry of familiarity and distri yetive justice atomic number 18 at work with surrogacy. Autonomy is the source of a persons right to make their witness decisions and distributive justice is equal and fresh treatment to all (Pozgar, 2012). Princ iple number four in The Medical potbellyon of Ethics states requires respect for the presbyopicanimouss right (Ameri enkindle Medical Association, 2001). In surrogacy issues, whose rights should be laid first? The lieutenant who is carrying the child?Should the emotional ties that she trick accumulate over the course of ten months be placed first or the rights of the adopting p atomic number 18nts? Is there a likely outcome for justice to be distributed among all the parties involved? In attempting to set good decisions, Jones writes that An ethical decision is a decision that is both healthyly and morally acceptable to the larger community. (Jones, 1991, p. 387). Thus, Jones explains that decisions such as surrogacy are often resolved victimization the perspective of a utilitarian.Utilitarianism is considered a moral theory in which individuals and governmental march should be directed at providing the greatest good for the greatest number of stack (Mosser, 2010). One question remains lay almost an action be placed on the issue that provides good to all? An ethical dilemma placed with surrogacy is dehumanization and exploitation. For tribe who oppose surrogacy as means of conception, it is pick uped that women who are living in poverty are exploiting their bodies to profit (in cases of gestational surrogacy) financially (Surrogacy, 2008).On the flipside on the issue, can it non in any case be viewed that allowing these women to do as they suck up fit with their bodies as economic say-so? The money provided to these women can used for miscellaneous financial means outside of victorious tuition of checkup heath care for themselves and the child. The amount provided to each female varies depending on what she and the check feel is sufficient, therefore any extra monetary salary can used to help the women relieve themselves from other debts.Autonomy does provide the right that women engender to choose their reproductive rights and that includes bearing children for those who can non do so or for monetary stability. Suggesting that surrogacy dehumanizes her is other frame of reference of paternalism. Paternalism limits ones autonomy for their own good (Pozgar, 2012). Some view altruistic surrogacy as a form of exploiting the lieutenant. at that place is no monetary compensation to woman placing her wellness and well-being on the line for a nonhers benefit. However, it can likewise be held that the woman have sexingly entered into the agreement with full disclosure of the risks and benefits to her health and body.Again, autonomy and justice are super prevalent ethical principles to explore when discussing the subject of surrogacy. Same-sex marriage has accommodate a torrid topic in the linked States in the last few years. The idea of raising a family by homosexual couples brings about other ethical issues of surrogacy. Should those of equal-sex marriages be allowed to have children? How bequeath there consanguinity bear on the child of the couple? A young article in the American prevention Associations (ABA) journal tells of a same-sex couple whose case is similar to that of the mess up M case (Hansen, 2011).The United States, different many other countries have no policies governing surrogacy, as it is a state-by-state insurance (Hansen, 2011). In places such as India, commercial surrogacy is statutory and often capturen as a popular place of fertility tourism because the costs are one ternion of that in the United States (Saxena, Mishra, & Malik, 2012). In near cases, children have been placed in orphanages until writing has been established or in round instances disowned when a child is conceived naturally by the parents, as with Ishmael from the Bible.Women of poor and ignorant backgrounds stricken by poverty are sometimes coerced by intermediaries or spouses to become switchs. In such cases, fidelity among the couple has been cast aside. The women may feel that they can non faith their spouse to stand by them if they do non comply with their wishes. Unlike the United States where psychological masking and profound steering is mandatory to be surrogates, in India women are placed in hostels for the duration of their gestation by recruitment commercial agencies (Saxena, Mishra, & Malik, 2012). covering fire to the case of Baby M and the same sex couples, who after waiting for their buddle of satisfaction begin having legal issues. It is beta to know that the surrogate has the legal right to throw the child she has bore, regardless of genetics (Human binding & Embryology Authority, 2009). In other words, the birth nonplus is considered the legal parental unit of the child until such documentation states otherwise. She has the right at anytime to change her mind, therefore it is important to have knowledge and fidelity with your surrogate. Understanding the significance of how the Surrogacy Arrangements Act 1985 reads is important .If you are having problems comprehending or deciphering split of the act, speak with a lawyer. It reads, an Act to define certain activities in connection with arrangements made with a view to women carrying children as surrogate mothers, (Surrogacy Arrangements Act 1985). As far as legal rights of the father, if the woman did so in a licensed clinic and has no partner, the child will have no legal father however, the surrogates married man or civil partner is the childs legal father, unless it is shown that the partner did non consent to the number (Human dressing & Embryology Authority, 2009).The intended parents have a course to stick with concerning rights as well. If they wish to become the legal parents of the child, they can adopt or level for a paternal order. Provided certain conditions are met, the rights and parentage are transferred with the order, this must be done within six months of the childs birth and at least(prenominal) one individual of the commissioni ng couple needs a genetic link for a paternal order (Human Fertilisation & Embryology Authority, 2009).If there is no genetic relationship with the child in question, ad alternative is the barely legal route. In this case, an adoption function will get involved, so it is important to know the legal aspects of surrogacy. An article in the British Medical Journal argues that the lone(prenominal) way to resolve such issues of rectitude is through legislations and regulations of international laws (Ramskold & Posner, 2012).The ethical responsibilities for medicos of surrogates can been seen as advising couples who are considering surrogacy, counseling women who may wish to become surrogates, providing obstetrics to women industrious in surrogacy, or offering support reproductive technologies (ART) related to surrogacy (Committee on Ethics, 2008). Physicians should not treat the intended parents of a surrogate child while also treating the surrogate mother, as conflicts may arise and not all parties may be tough fairly and the physician should.As in all other aspects of medical care, physicians should be certain that there would be a full discussion of ethical and legal issues as well as medical risks, benefits, and alternatives, many of which have been addressed in this statement (Committee on Ethics, 2008). Physicians may exacerbate to participate in surrogacy arrangement, as with any other treatment of a patient because of personal, ethical, medical, or religious views as per the AMA calculate of Medical Ethics (AMA, 2001).A physician should apply the same legal and ethical aspects to the surrogate as with the intended couple. This includes screening and counseling the surrogate and intended couple referral for mental health testing for the surrogate to evaluate the possible outcomes and effects, as well as evaluate psychological risks, vulnerabilities and benefits, and the possible effects of existing relationships with existing children (Committee on Ethics, 2008). It is important that confidentiality be maintained surrounded by the physician and the patient.The intended parents may solo access the pregnant womans medical records if the woman has given expressed consent. This is guaranteed in the Patients circuit board of Rights and the Constitution (Right to privacy, n. d. ). This would also address whether or not the child would have any legal right to know his or her birth mother without her consent. Two alternatives to surrogacy are natural conception and adoption. When a couple conceives naturally, there is no need for a surrogate. This can be done through sexual intercourse or through in-vitro fertilization.In-vitro fertilization (IVF) is a medical operation in which mature egg are obtained from the females ovaries and are fertilized by the males sperm, then the eggs are implanted into the uterus (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2013). This option is usually applied overdue to infertility. Adoption, as an alternative to surroga cy can also be very beneficial to involved parties. Children without parents, due to unforeseen circumstances are provided homes with caring, lovely families. A couple adopting may not have genetic links to these children, but loving relationships can emerge and often treat the child as their own.In my personal opinion, I calculate surrogacy will continue to increase the numbers of childless couples. In such cases where altruism is applied, I think the emotional ties are easier sever because the woman is volunteering her services to a couple she sees in need. I speak of this from pretty of a personal viewpoint. I have two healthy children and am soon pregnant with my third with no complications during every pregnancy however, my sister has been trying to conceive naturally for almost 4 years now and has had no luck.I would lief consider being a surrogate for her should she ever ask. I know from her interactions with my own kids that she would be a great mother to a child. I do not know her medical history or what medical advice she has sought regarding her problem, but I know that I could help a family member in need and not want monetary compensation for doing so. However, I will acknowledge that this is not the outflank road for all women. The emotional social function may make it hard to part with the child after carrying it for nine months.I would only recommend this to a woman who has decided that she no longer wants to have children or does not wish to raise any more children of her own. I also see gestational surrogacy still being the most common between the two types of surrogacy because of the emotional detachment. I think that some people feel that not having a genetic link to a child makes it easier to part with after birth. I feel that some women need to be able to look at their child and see similarities in physical features to know that they are part of a child. Gestational surrogacy requires no genetics from the surrogate, only from the intended parents.Considering both types of surrogacy and the current state of how the legal issues some the topic are addressed, I think improvements need to be made. From research, the surrogate has more legal rights than anyone. This provides a very particular window for the intended couple who has long awaited a child. Legislations need to be enacted that provide more rights to intended parents of the child, oddly during a gestational surrogacy. I do not think that it should be legal and relegate it unethical that a surrogate still has legal rights to a child with no genetic link.I find hope in the future that excess regulations in how surrogacy is handled will be sought. While surrogacy has been around since Biblical times, it has made a splash as headline word in the last half century. The legal and ethical dilemmas surrounding the topic gain ground from the rights of the surrogate, the intended couple, and for the children that are involved with the procedure and process . The alternatives to surrogacy do not necessarily provide additional benefits and in some instances, do not always apply to those wish to have a child.While no one can predict the future, surrogacy in my opinion, will continue to flourish among couples not just infertile couples or same-sex couples, but among women who do not wish to go through the process of labor and de go awayry. Women who live in poverty may continue to see the benefits of surrogacy for economic gain for themselves and their families. There are so many ethical elements at play with surrogacy that the issue will remain to have legal and ethical complications, now and in the future.