Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Righteousness And Christians What Does It Mean As A...

Righteousness and Christians What does it mean as a Christian to be righteous? There are references to Gods mercifulness and righteousness in seemingly every work I’ve read. The same is to be expected of his followers which has been quoted by many authors. For example, when reading â€Å"The Bondage of the Will† the lack of righteous behavior is subject to ‘punishment’ and is simply unacceptable. That leads to question, what is acceptable behavior of a Christian? The status of someone fully capable of being considered a righteous individual is held by God and succeeded by Jesus Christ. They’re the answer, but they also determine the path of purity that Christians desire to accept the Lord. The definition of a righteous man will truly differ from one out of the dictionary. The answer to some the questions posed previously may be found in the ecclesiastical history of Eusbius, who shares knowledge of what’s to be found in a Christian. His writings entails acceptable scriptures, the nature of Christ, and those opposed to the Word. Additionally, this work cites some of the unacceptable behavior that would unleash the ‘wrath’ of God. Similarly, John Calvin exhibits writing worthy of discussing the nature of Christ as well but also describing characteristics that would make someone unbecoming of a Christian. As opposed, to being a Christian which all too relatively involves the state one requires to say the least. These three men make validations that seemingly make sense butShow MoreRelatedSummary Of Martin LutherThe Freedom Of A Christian1145 Words   |  5 PagesMartin Luthers The Freedom of a Christian discusses an in-depth look into the Christian faith, Gods work in each individual. Refusing to believe in the established doctrin e, Luther wrote this reforming treatise in response to Pope Leos criticisms and to further explain the theological and ideological core of his thinking. 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